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Thesis statement for equal pay

Thesis statement for equal pay

thesis statement for equal pay

Thesis On Gender Pay Gap Words5 Pages In , President Obama addressed the issue of the gender wage gap in a written statement that stated “even in , women make only 77 cents for every dollar that men earn” Equal Pay Act (EPA) No Employer Thesis. Equal Pay Act (EPA) No Employer. Thesis. No employer having employees subject to any provisions of this section shall discriminate, within any establishment in which such employees are employed, between employees on the basis of sex by paying wages to employees in such establishment at a rate less than the rate at which he pays wages to employees of statement: On June 10, , President John F. Kennedy signed The Equal Pay Act into law. The act was supposed to prevent gender discrimination with regards to employee wages. Put plainly, a women shall receive the identical earnings as her male counterpart for the same job. However, the goal of that landmark legislation is still unrealized

Thesis: Equal Pay Act (EPA) No Employer | 7 pages, APA, 4 sources, Words:

Thesis statement for equal pay 7 words · Style: APA · Bibliography Thesis statement for equal pay 4 · File:. docx · Level: College Senior · Topic: Careers. Download the perfectly formatted MS Word file! Labor Discrimination - Equal Pay Act - Law and Reality The objective of this work is to examine law and regulations relating to labor discrimination, the equal pay act and….

Pages: 25 words · Type: Thesis · Bibliography Sources: Discrimination in the Workplace: A Comprehensive Evaluation of Key Issues Discrimination in employment is a problem that has affected thousands of organizations, large and small operating in today's global marketplace.

Employment Law The objective of this work is to review the specific laws that govern employers or that which is referred to as employment law. Specific laws exist that govern…. Role of Government Government economic regulation occurs when: 1 undesirable market structures exist i. Modern warehouses, similar to manufacturing plants, are often located in suburban or rural areas where the cost of land is significantly less and there is access….

Pages: 48 words · Type: Essay · Bibliography Sources: All Rights Reserved. Equal Pay Act EPA No Employer Thesis Pages: 7 words · Style: APA · Bibliography Sources: 4 · File:.

Equal Pay Act EPA No employer having employees subject to any provisions of this section shall discriminate, within any establishment thesis statement for equal pay which such employees are employed, between employees thesis statement for equal pay the basis of sex by paying wages to employees thesis statement for equal pay such establishment at a rate less than the rate at which he pays wages to employees of the opposite sex in such establishment for equal work on jobs the performance of which requires equal skill, effort, and responsibility Equal Employment Opportunity Commission EEOC : the Equal Pay Act ofTitle VII of the Civil Rights Act ofthe Age Discrimination in Employment Act ofand Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act of EEOC, thesis statement for equal pay, n.

Download full paper NOW! The Equal Pay Act of EPA P. In adopting the EPA, an amendment to the Fair Labor Standards Act ofCongress hoped to eliminate wage differentials because they were thought to depress wages and the standard of living, prevent maximum utilization of available labor resources, lead to labor disputes, and constitute an unfair method of competition.

Congress also strove to eliminate stereotypes and misconceptions regarding the value of work performed by women. Equal Pay Act ofn. Background Wage Gap Because of the large number of American women taking jobs in the war industries during World War IIthe National War Labor Board urged employers in to voluntarily make "adjustments which equalize wage or salary rates paid to females with the rates paid to males for comparable quality and quantity of work on the same or similar operations.

TOPIC: Thesis on Equal Pay Act EPA No Employer Having Assignment Not only did employers fail to heed this "voluntary" request, but at the war's end most women were pushed out of their new jobs to make room for returning veterans. Until the early s, newspapers published separate job listings for men and women. Jobs were categorized according to sex, thesis statement for equal pay, with the higher level jobs listed almost exclusively under "Help Wanted -- Male.

Separate, of course, meant unequal: between andwomen with full time jobs earned on average between cents for every dollar their male counterparts earned in the same job.

Success finally came on February 14,when, in a letter to the Speaker of the House of Representativesthe Secretary of Labor Willard Wirtz recommended enactment of "equal pay" legislation and submitted a draft bill. In its deliberations over the act, however, Congress purposely rejected the concept of "equal pay for comparable work" promoted by some advocates of this law, opting instead to adopt an "equal pay for equal work" formula.

Equal work" means jobs the performance of which requires equal skill, effort and responsibility and which workers perform under similar working conditions. It wasn't until the passage of the Equal Pay Act on June 10, effective June 11, that it became illegal to pay women lower rates for the same job strictly on the basis of their sex. Demonstrable differences in seniority, merit, the quality or quantity of work, or other considerations might merit different pay, but gender could no longer be viewed as a drawback on one's resume.

Brunner, n. It is often forgotten that for the first nine years of the EPA, the requirement of equal pay for equal work did not extend to persons employed in an executive, administrative or professional capacity, or as an outside salesman. Therefore, the EPA exempted white collar women from the protection of equal pay for equal work, thesis statement for equal pay. InCongress enacted the Educational Amendment ofwhich amended the FLSA to expand the coverage of the EPA to these employees, by excluding the EPA from the professional workers exemption of the FLSA.

Details of the Equal Pay Act Section One of the EPA provided that those employers covered by the Fair Labor Standards Acts FLSA must provide equal pay for equal work regardless of gender, and Section Two of the bill amends the FLSA to state that wage differentials based solely on the gender of the employee are an unfair labor standard. Section Three lists special circumstances and exemptions thesis statement for equal pay the act.

Section Four, among other things, gives employers bound by collective bargaining agreements a one-year moratorium on enforcement, or until the collective bargaining agreement expired, thesis statement for equal pay came first, before compliance was required. We have already discussed the basic idea that employers may not pay unequal wages to men and women who perform jobs that require equal skill, effort and responsibility, and that are performed under similar working conditions within the same establishment.

There are actually five parts of that statement that are best clarified with more definition. Skill equates to Ability, Experience, Education, and Training - the key issue is what skills are required for the job, not what skills the individual employees may have, thesis statement for equal pay. In other words, one employee may have far more education or experience, but if those two skills are not relevant to the job, then the two employees are considered equal.

Effort equals the amount of physical or mental effort required to do the job. If a job requires more physical or mental effort than similar jobs, such as heavy lifting, then the person doing that job, whether man thesis statement for equal pay woman, might be entitled to more compensation than the worker down the line who doesn't have to do the heavy lifting. Responsibility is the amount of answerability a person has in performing a task. If there are a dozen secretaries and one of them has to lock up the safe at night and ensure confidential information is stored properly, that one secretary may be due more compensation than the rest, thesis statement for equal pay.

Working Conditions encompasses physical surroundings and hazards. If either of these is significantly different or more dangerous than similar workers are exposed to, thesis statement for equal pay, those conditions may warrant more pay. Establishment means that unequal compensation can only be prohibited within the same business premises. This does not include a "business" which has many locations. It does include distinct, thesis statement for equal pay, physical place of business.

There are exceptions to this rule. Some may not realize that pay differentials are permitted when they are based on seniority, merit, quantity or quality of production, or a factor other than sex. However, these are known as "affirmative defenses" and it is the employer's burden to prove that they apply.

It is important to note that the EPA does not contain any intent requirement within the statutory language.

Liability under the EPA is established by meeting the three elements of the case, regardless of the intention of the employer. As such, the EPA imposes strict liability on employers who engage in wage discrimination based on gender. com, n. Intent Congress stated that its intent in enacting the Equal Pay Act was to establish a "broad charter of women's rights ," designed to remedy a "serious and endemic" problem of sex discrimination in the workplace.

In adopting the EPA, Congress hoped to eliminate wage differentials because they were thought to depress wages and the standard of living, prevent maximum utilization of available labor resources, lead to labor disputes, thesis statement for equal pay constitute an unfair method of competition. The EPA was "the first step towards an adjustment of balance in pay for women. On the floor of the House of Representatives, many Representatives voiced their concern that the EPA should act as the starting point for establishing pay parity for women, thesis statement for equal pay.

Subsequent to the enactment of the EPA, congress undertook two actions which broadened the scope of federal protection against wage discrimination on the basis of sex. Nonetheless, the EPA's equal pay for equal work goals have not been achieved, as demonstrated by the BLS data and Congressional findings within the text of the proposed Paycheck Fairness Act.

Senator Hillary Clinton first introduced the "Paycheck Fairness Act" on April 20,which, among other provisions, proposes to amend the EPA's fourth affirmative defense to permit only bona fide factors other than sex that are… [END OF PREVIEW].

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Thesis On Gender Pay Gap - Words | Internet Public Library

thesis statement for equal pay

An infamous statistic about the wage gap has been the 77 cent statistic, stating that for every dollar a man earns, a woman earns 77 cents. The statistic is calculated by, “ dividing the median earnings of full-time, year-round, working women by the median earnings of full-time, year-round, working men, all rounded to the nearest $” (Glynn 2) Thesis On Gender Pay Gap Words5 Pages In , President Obama addressed the issue of the gender wage gap in a written statement that stated “even in , women make only 77 cents for every dollar that men earn” statement: On June 10, , President John F. Kennedy signed The Equal Pay Act into law. The act was supposed to prevent gender discrimination with regards to employee wages. Put plainly, a women shall receive the identical earnings as her male counterpart for the same job. However, the goal of that landmark legislation is still unrealized

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