Biomass Energy Biomass is biological matter originating from living or recently living organisms, and it is the oldest source of renewable energy. The biomass used for energy normally comes from plant-based material.1 During photosynthesis, the chlorophyll in plants captures the sun’s energy, in order · Renewable Energy Essay Essay Example. Hydro generators need rain to fill dams to supply flowing water. Wind turbines need wind to turn the blades, solar collectors need clear skies and sunshine to collect heat and make electricity. When these sources are unavailable so is the capacity to make energy from blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins · Renewable energy is derived from sources that are naturally replenish-able and supply of energy from these sources is infinite. The main purposes served by using renewable energy are many such as generation of power, transport fuel production, and for heating of houses and other living places
Essay on Renewable Energy - Words | Bartleby
In the present world there are conventional and many other renewable energy generating methods are used for electricity generation. The world is leading towards renewable energy generation because the conventional methods are more harmful to environment, limited resources and create more costs. Researchers are looking for more various methods that can convert renewable energy sources to electricity. Generating electricity using Vortex induced vibrations VIV is a latest technology which is used in power generation.
Kinetic energy of a moving fluid is converted in to electricity is the basic, essays on renewable energy. This process gives rise to oscillatory lift and drag forces which, if the body is compliant or elastically supported, can result in Vortex-Induced Vibrations.
Using this oscillatory kinetic energy electricity can be generated. Am telling you man this writer is absolutely the best. Concept of Smart Buildings is coming to the topic nowadays. Its areas of application currently focus on using of small autonomous wireless sensors thus eliminating the need of wiresin structural health monitoring, HVAC Heat Ventilation and Air Conditioning and building automation applications. This project is to design and develop a power supplying unit for wireless sensing and data transmitting Humidity and temperature device of HVAC Heat Ventilation and Air Conditioning application.
The process of extracting energy from the environment or from a surrounding system and converting it to essays on renewable energy electrical energy to power up these sensing and transmitting devices is taken into action. According to the application the power requirement may vary.
Applications like wireless sensing and data transmitting devices required a small scale power range Between 0. This project will help to eliminate the need of wires and satisfy the power demand of small scale autonomous wireless sensors for HVAC duct system in the concept of smart buildings. Aim and ObjectivesAimDesign and Fabrication of small-scale 0. A vital requirement for all-air ventilation systems are their functionality to operate both in cooling and heating mode.
A properly designed and maintained system will provide a comfortable interior environment throughout the year. When we are talking about HVAC system, there are lot of critical measurements that we have to observe and measure. As energy efficiency and indoor air quality become more important, and your customers opt for Internet of Things IOT capability, sensors are becoming a bigger part of HVAC.
Some, like pressure sensors, are most useful to HVAC techs. Pressure sensors play a key role in making HVAC systems more efficient by measuring air flow and pressure throughout the system for effective air distribution. Some sensors which are using in HVAC systems,Pressure sensorsDuct smoke detectorsOccupancy sensorsVOC sensorsThermostat sensorsIn this project we are going to use Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting PEH by using Vortex Induced Vibrations VIV phenomena to power up these sensors.
Piezoelectric energy harvesting PEH essays on renewable energy one of the most promising technologies. It consists in the conversion of mechanical energy into electrical, either by converting mechanical vibrations into an electrical charge.
HVAC duct systems would be the ideal scenario for these requirements, essays on renewable energy. Then we moved to air flow in the HVAC ducts. HVAC systems were chosen since they offer an attractive environment for energy harvesting from fluid flow due to the predictable nature of their flow and their prevalence in buildings.
Air flow in HVAC systems is typically unidirectional with a slug- shaped velocity profile and operating speeds from 2 to 5 m s While other environments such as liquid or gaseous water pipes and natural gas lines also exhibit similar characteristics, they offer more challenging environment in which to work. Vortex Shedding VorticesIn fluid dynamics, vortex shedding is an oscillating flow that takes place when a fluid such asair or water flows past a bluff body at essays on renewable energy velocities, depending on the size and shape of the body.
In this flow, vortices are created at the back of the body and detach periodically from either side of the body. The fluid flow past the object creates alternating low- pressure vortices on the downstream side essays on renewable energy the object.
The object will tend to move toward the low-pressure zone. Due to periodic vortices, this kind of movement occurs in the object to upside and down periodically. For this vibration we can call as Vortex Induced Vibration VIV. In subsection 2, we will describe VIV phenomena in detail. Figure 2. U is the free stream velocity, essays on renewable energy, D is the cylinder diameter, and?
is the kinematic viscosity of the fluid. As a note, most studies in literature were in fact performed using a submerged cylinder. So the correlation length of cylinder diameter used in Re is appropriate and widely applicable, as many submerged structures are typically cylindrical in shape. We can see the changing pattern of vortex shedding patterns according to the Reynolds number in Figure 2.
Below the 40 of Re 1st two regimes cannot see vortex shedding around the bluff body and no resulting lift forces act on the body. After 40 of Re, periodic vortices start tobegin around the body and act varying lift forces since the vortices shed non symmetrically from the top and bottom of the cylinder. The second transition region occurs when the flow around the cylinder changes from laminar to turbulent, and again vortex shedding is disrupted and irregular.
The essays on renewable energy of no periodic vortex shedding, or dead zones Bernitsasmust obviously be avoided for any device extracting energy from VIV. Strouhal number directly proportional to fs and diameter of the cylinder D and inversely proportional to free stream velocity U.
For a wide range of Reynolds number, the Strouhal number varies very little, and can essentially be taken asconstant essays on renewable energy 0. Reynolds number [4]. Many researches were done in the past for different ranges of flow velocities. But most of the time typical airflow that for residential applications are in the range of 2 to 5 ms-1, while in industrial applications the upper value can be higher [2] and done some researches on this range, essays on renewable energy.
There is another experiment was done on different range and which range of wind speeds is0. being the natural frequency in Hz, essays on renewable energy. According to the experiment, voltage output reaches the maximum value when?
Bluff BodiesBluff Body vs. Streamlined BodyWhen a body is submerged in a moving fluid, body can experience a drag force, which is usually divided into two parts such as Frictional drag and Pressure drag.
Frictional drag occurs from friction between the fluid and the surfaces over it is flowing, essays on renewable energy.
Pressure drag occurs from the eddying motions around the body. This drag is related to the formation of a wake, essays on renewable energy. Both drags are due to viscosity. If the body was moving through an inviscid fluid there would essays on renewable energy no drag at all Figure 2. Domination of the drag depends entirely on the shape of the body, whether the flow is Frictional-drag dominated or Pressure-drag dominated. A streamlined body looks like a fish or an airfoil at small angles of attack, whereas a bluff body looks like a brick, a cylinder or an airfoil at large angles of essays on renewable energy. For a given frontal area and velocity, a streamlined body will always have a lower resistance than a bluff body.
Bluff Body TypesThere are lot of bluff body types using in different engineering applications. But most of the researches are done for cylindrical essays on renewable energy bluff bodies and near cylindrical ones. Here are some researches for different types of bluff bodies.
A research was done on optimizing the energy consumption inside buildings. Different relevant aspects are explored in wind tunnel testing, after a thoughtful investigation using analytical methods. Two different configurations for the fin circular and T-section are compared. The positioning of small weights along the fin enables tuning of the energy harvester to operate at resonance for flow velocities from 2 to 5 m s-1, which are characteristic of HVAC ducts.
In a 15 cm diameter air duct, power generation of јW for a flow speed of m s-1 and power generation of 3 mW for a flow speed of 5 m s-1 was achieved. The fin was created from balsa wood due to its high stiffness to density ratio and the optimum distance between the bluff body obstacle and the fin was chosen as essays on renewable energy. Abdelkefi et al.
provide numerical analysis for the validation of a galloping harvester, essays on renewable energy. Their device consists in a bar essays on renewable energy an equilateral triangle cross-section attached to two multi-layered cantilever beams.
In their numerical results, the optimal bluff body section changes with the flow speed. On the other hand, at relatively high wind speeds, the D-section is the best cross-section for power harvesting. The vibration energy of the cylinder and the rotation energy of the impeller are harvested simultaneously. Both the output voltage and the Effective Output Range of Flow Speed EORFS of the Dual PEH system were observed and compared to the SPEH system.
And also investigated that how affect the cylinder bluff body diameter D and the specific gravity S. G of the cylinder to the system. They used 3 configurations to compare the effect of D and S, essays on renewable energy. As the result of experiments, they could be able to observe essays on renewable energy RMS value of the output voltage of the 2nd harvester is greater than 1st one.
Here is the observations and conclusion of this research. When increasing the specific gravity of the cylinder, the output voltage was decreased. When increasing the radius, the output voltage was increased. The output voltage of the DPEH system were significantly improved, compared to the SPEH system. Renewable energy sources. Accessed October 7, Renewable energy sources Categories: Energy Sources Green energy Mechanical Engineering Renewable Energy. Download paper. Essay, Pages 11 words.
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, time: 11:06Renewable Energy Sources Essay - Words | Bartleby
Biomass Energy Biomass is biological matter originating from living or recently living organisms, and it is the oldest source of renewable energy. The biomass used for energy normally comes from plant-based material.1 During photosynthesis, the chlorophyll in plants captures the sun’s energy, in order Renewable Energy: Renewable Resources. Words | 8 Pages. Renewable energy: energy in which comes from natural resources that are naturally replenished, such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, and geothermal heat (Bhatia, ). This essay is focused on the main three renewable energies, wind, sunlight, and water · Renewable Energy Essay Essay Example. Hydro generators need rain to fill dams to supply flowing water. Wind turbines need wind to turn the blades, solar collectors need clear skies and sunshine to collect heat and make electricity. When these sources are unavailable so is the capacity to make energy from blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins
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