Thursday, October 7, 2021

E-services literature review

E-services literature review

e-services literature review

e-Service Quality: Literature Review and Future Avenues of Research: /ch The development of new orientations and focuses for the conceptualisation and measurement of electronic service quality (henceforth, e-SQ) is demonstrably. ×. Now Offering a 20% Discount When a Minimum of Five Titles in Related Subject Areas are Purchased Cited by: 1 Your privacy E Services Literature Review will not be spoiled by any 3-rd party. We keep all information about our clients and their payment transactions safe. You will pass through several steps of protection to be ensured that the payment was safe. Zinedine, Customer Care Representative | March 2, Free revisions. Nobody is perfect, that’s why we cover your  · This study reviews the literature on e-service quality (e-SQ), with an emphasis on the methodological issues involved in developing measurement scales and issues related to the dimensionality of the e-SQ construct. We selected numerous studies on e-SQ from well-known databases and subjected them to a thorough content by:

This chapter has a dual purpose: 1 to describe and systematise the state of the art of literature examining the quality of electronic service or e-Quality, e-services literature review, and 2 to indicate possible routes for future investigation. Large growth potential is forecast for the provision of products and services via electronic channels mainly, the Internet e.

Evanschitzky et al. There is also ample evidence that service quality delivery has a positive impact on desired attitudinal, behavioural, and financial outcomes Parasuraman et al. So, appropriate conceptualisation and measurement are crucial for the effective management of electronic service quality henceforth, e-SQ and a major issue on the market research agenda e.

Although e-SQ is an emergent research field e. According to Fassnacht and Koesee-services literature review, this is not surprising given the managerial importance and theoretical appeal of the subject. But they also affirm that clear definitions, solid conceptual work, and empirical studies in multiple settings have been scarce, suggesting that we are still in the early stages within this field of research.

Data collection was carried out in different stages between September and May Computer databases e. Google scholar were the main tools used to identify relevant research in the area. Then the electronic and physical bibliographical resources from universities in two different countries were used to obtain the papers.

Both sources proved to be complementary. To cross check, the business and management journals included in the Social Citation Reports were also specifically searched. Consequently, we hope to e-services literature review included in the review the highest-quality literature on the subject.

The identified papers were then evaluated with respect to their suitability for inclusion in the study. Cho et al. To present this chapter, we commence by expounding, in detail, in a first section, the managerial and theoretical reasons that justify the carrying out of a research project to conceptualise and measure e-SQ. Then, in the second section, we explain the situation in which e-SQ e-services literature review currently stand by focusing on research gaps.

In the third section, we offer an overview of the main scales utilised in e-SQ measurement. We offer two tables Tables 1 and E-services literature review 2 presenting a synthesis of the methods, constructs, dimensions and results of a body of selected e-SQ investigations.

We end with a section devoted to the setting out of our conclusions and indicating possible routes for future investigation summarised in Table 4.

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Buy Instant PDF Access. Add to Cart. Instant access upon order completion. Free Content. More Information. MLA Barrutia, Jose M. and Ainhize Gilsanz. Barrutia, J. e-Service Quality: Literature Review and Future Avenues of Research. Spath Ed. IGI Global. Barrutia, Jose M. edited by Praeg, Claus-Peter, and Dieter Spath, Hershey, PA: IGI Global, Available In. e-Service Quality: Literature Review and Future Avenues of Research Jose M.

Source Title: Quality Management for IT Services: Perspectives e-services literature review Business and Process Performance, e-services literature review. DOI: OnDemand PDF Download: Available.

Current Special Offers. No Current Special Offers. Abstract The development of new orientations and focuses for the conceptualisation and measurement of electronic service quality henceforth, e-SQ is demonstrably necessary. This e-services literature review is mainly addressed to highlight research avenues for improving our understanding of e-SQ management, based on a critical review of previous literature.

The orientation of this study aims to reduce the efforts of researchers who desire to enter this field. To do this, we offer a research agenda and synthesise the main previous studies, including the dimensions employed within a set of selected works. We start by expounding the reasons that justify the carrying out of a project of investigation to measure e-SQ, e-services literature review. We move on to describe the current e-SQ research gaps research opportunities.

And we conclude with a section devoted to the setting out of our conclusions and indicating possible routes for future investigation. Chapter Preview. E-services literature review Chapter List Search this Book: Reset.

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e-services literature review

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