Feb 04, · Therefore, strategizing your way to dissertation literature completion is imperative. Dissertation literature review forms the basis of the research and highlights any research gaps as support for a new argument, so you must follow well planned strategies to formulate an impactful one. Develop a StrategyEstimated Reading Time: 3 mins Dissertation Research Strategy: Getting started. For undergraduate and master's level dissertation students, the Research Strategy chapter is important for three main reasons: First, it not only explains what research you performed, but also justifies all the major choices you made throughout the dissertation process. Second, it can be one of the easiest places within the dissertation Sep 03, · Dissertation Strategy. If doing a qualitative study, respond to the following prompt:Identify the data sources for the phenomenon/a in your proposed study. How will each data source be used to answer the research questions? Identify and discuss at least one strategy you will use to establish the trustworthiness of each data source
Strategies for Planning a Dissertation Literature Review - Enago Academy
In this article, Mennatullah Hendawy shares some insights on structuring cumulative dissertations based on her own experience. In this article, I will share some insights with regard to cumulative dissertations based on my own experience.
A cumulative dissertation consists of a series of papers published, or submitted for publication during the timeframe of the doctorate study. I noticed that, usually, it ranges between papers. Before I start, let me briefly introduce myself: I am a PhD candidate at the Dissertation strategy of Urban Design, TU Berlin with Prof.
Jörg Stollmann. I started my PhD in May and recently submitted my cumulative thesis of 5 papers in January While I am waiting to defend my thesis I am writing this article in an attempt to provide some insights into one of the common challenges of conducting dissertation strategy cumulative dissertation: How to structure the series of papers so that they make sense.
While each paper has one or more research questions, all the papers together respond to one central question.
I would like to share with you some ideas on how the papers can be combined, creating something bigger than the dissertation strategy parts.
One might assume that it is usually the goal of the first year dissertation strategy a PhD to decide on the structure and scope of the papers which will be the guiding principles for the next dissertation strategy of the dissertation. Well, in reality this is not always the case. Of course the logic of structuring a cumulative thesis depends heavily on the research area and interest.
Accordingly, while I share five approaches on structuring cumulative dissertations, I will try to clarify what each approach is suitable for, dissertation strategy. Each topic can be addressed from different angles, based on the research question, objective, and preferences of the author. Over the years, my overarching research question became: In the mediatized world, how and why do planning visualizations become a question of social and spatial justice? I started the dissertation with a clear interest in exploring the entanglement of urban studies and media studies in relation to issues of justice in cities, but the final overarching research question only became clear towards the dissertation strategy of the thesis.
This is because I was following an explorative and grounded research approach. Looking back now, I must admit that the earlier the overarching research question is clear the easier the research process, dissertation strategy. Nonetheless, it is also important to stay flexible throughout the thesis process and let it shape the overarching thread. A middle ground would be a good option!
By dissertation strategy time I realized all this, I used more than one strategy to combine and look at the papers. In the following section, some of these strategies are presented in addition to other ideas. This list is surely not exclusive. Structuring the papers in a cumulative dissertation by field would make each paper concentrate on dissertation strategy field or context of the topic, where it is practiced.
Speaking about my research, dissertation strategy, the different fields could be the digitalization of planning in planning education, the digitalization of dissertation strategy in planning practice, dissertation strategy, politics, culture, context, theory, dissertation strategy, or research.
Following this strategy, each paper would cover one of these fields. This strategy is useful for a thesis that involves an analysis of perception or disciplines and interdisciplinary analysis.
Structuring the papers by the actors or dissertation strategy participants involved in the research would allow each paper to tackle who is involved in the topic and whose visions are to be explored. Taking the example of my topic of planning dissertation strategy, the papers would focus on the views of planners, dissertation strategy, policymakers, the general public, and computer scientists.
The choice of which actors to highlight in the papers will mainly depend on the overarching research question and objective. This strategy is useful for a thesis that involves an analysis of reviews. By choosing to structure the arguments chronologically, each paper naturally tackles the when in the overall topic. In my case the papers would focus on the printing age, the computer age, and the information age.
Another example could be to focus on the different stages of the process of digitalization of planning in each paper, dissertation strategy. The choice of these processes or temporal milestones reflects on how a certain phenomena has changed throughout history and time. This strategy is useful for a thesis that involves a historical analysis.
In this strategy, each paper takes a case study related to the chosen research topic. The choice dissertation strategy the cases will mainly depend on the adopted methodology. This strategy is useful for a thesis that involves a comparative analysis of multiple case studies. In my case the papers would focus on the digitalization of planning dissertation strategy different cities, or in different countries, or even highlight different parts within a city dissertation strategy as formal versus informal, or rural versus urban.
The choice of the location will mainly depend on the overarching research question and objective. This strategy is useful for a thesis that involves a geopolitical analysis. In my thesis, I combined strategy 1 field2 by actorsdissertation strategy, and 4 by case. I started out using field and actors, but as I reached the end of the thesis and was looking dissertation strategy to finalize my overarching argument, I realized that my papers also differed in terms of cases.
In fact, one can see these different strategies as a decision on which variables to highlight and which aspects to fix. At the beginning of the thesis journey, I was interested in writing papers in a way which presented different fields of action and the views of different actors in each field. Thus, I proceeded to look at the mediatization of urban planning in five fields: planning education, planning practice, planning politics, planning context, and planning culture which I referred to later as communicative situations.
In each paper and field, I highlighted specific actors involved in the process for example, dissertation strategy, planning educators and students in planning education, dissertation strategy. Later I realized that, dissertation strategy, additionally, each paper reflected the use dissertation strategy a specific planning visualization: education curriculum in planning education, street billboards in planning practice, press news in planning politics, city streets in planning contexts and TV advertisements in planning culture.
I hope these strategies can be a starting point for those who have chosen the cumulative study for their thesis. Last but not least, I would like to mention that this list is not exclusive and so it will be great to open up the discussion on the other strategies. For any questions, one-one discussions, or insights, feel free to reach out to me via LinkedIn.
Your email address will not be published. First we need to confirm, that you're human. Mennatullah Hendawy is a PhD Candidate at the Chair of Urban Design, TU Berlin where she is also co-leading two research groups: Connecting Urbanity and Towards Equitable Planning Curricula. Mennatulah is also a visiting researcher at the Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space in Erkner, dissertation strategy, Dissertation strategy and an affiliated Assistant Lecturer at the Department of Urban Planning and Design in Ain Shams University in Cairo, Egypt, dissertation strategy.
Dissertation strategy is co-founder of Cairo Urban AI and First Degree Citizens ; an initiative that tackles dissertation strategy socio-legal geography. She works on the intersection of urban planning, mediatisation, visualisation, and justice where she is fascinated by the way knowledge, power, and agency are manifested in and co-construct cities and the public sphere, dissertation strategy. Bold ideas and critical thoughts on science, dissertation strategy.
Newsletter Who How , dissertation strategy. Mennathulla Hendawy How to structure a cumulative dissertation: Five strategies 1 June doi Mennatullah Hendawy. Submit a Comment Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Author info Mennatullah Hendawy is a PhD Candidate at the Chair of Urban Design, TU Berlin where dissertation strategy is also co-leading two research groups: Connecting Urbanity and Towards Equitable Planning Curricula.
Cite as Hendawy, M. How to structure a cumulative dissertation: Five dissertation strategy. Elephant in the Lab.
Dissertation Intensive, Chapters 1-3
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Sep 03, · Dissertation Strategy. If doing a qualitative study, respond to the following prompt:Identify the data sources for the phenomenon/a in your proposed study. How will each data source be used to answer the research questions? Identify and discuss at least one strategy you will use to establish the trustworthiness of each data source Feb 04, · Therefore, strategizing your way to dissertation literature completion is imperative. Dissertation literature review forms the basis of the research and highlights any research gaps as support for a new argument, so you must follow well planned strategies to formulate an impactful one. Develop a StrategyEstimated Reading Time: 3 mins Dissertation Research Strategy: Getting started. For undergraduate and master's level dissertation students, the Research Strategy chapter is important for three main reasons: First, it not only explains what research you performed, but also justifies all the major choices you made throughout the dissertation process. Second, it can be one of the easiest places within the dissertation
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