Mar 22, · This essay explains enough information about the charismatic leadership. There are some questions about the charismatic leadership which have still remained unanswered. After describing the attributes of the charismatic leader and the positive and negative outcomes of the charismatic leadership, it remains unknown that what makes a charismatic leader a The charismatic leadership approach is dependent on the captivates and articulateness of the leader; charismatic leaders are compelled by their passions and dedication to their reason. Charismatic leaders correspondingly are occasionally known as transformational leaders since they share several relationships This essay offers the unique traits and behaviors of charismatic leaders. The paper will describe my competencies as a charismatic leader. The essay will go further to identify the major gaps that make me less competent. Such gaps should be closed to achieve my potentials as a charismatic leader. Content and Analysis Research on Charismatic Leadership
Charismatic Leadership Essay - Words | Bartleby
This essay gives an overview of various leadership types and focuses on the charismatic leadership. It attempts to explain the charismatic leadership process with an example of Mahatma Gandhi as a charismatic leader. It goes charismatic leadership essays and explores the attributes that a charismatic leader possesses. The essay also tries to find out various effects of charismatic leadership on the organization.
After reading the essay the readers are expected to have gained enough familiarity with this kind of leadership and at the end of the essay I would like to put forth a couple of questions regarding charismatic leadership which have remained unanswered after reading the material I have cited.
Any type of organization runs successfully when it is piloted by a skillful and influential leader, charismatic leadership essays.
While leaders motivate their followers, charismatic leadership essays, it is not the only thing leaders can do. A good leader can structure the organization in the way he wants. Proficient in: Attachment Theory. He represents the culture of the organization and most importantly, it has been observed that effective leaders posses a capacity to increase the productivity of the organization. Various scholars categorize leadership styles in a different way. Lewin classifies leadership styles in three categories: Autocratic Leadership, charismatic leadership essays, Democratic Leadership and Delegative Laissez-Faire Leadership [1].
Max Weber classifies leaders as Bureaucratic Leader, Traditional Leaders and Charismatic Leaders [2], charismatic leadership essays.
In Burns defined yet another classification: Transactional Leaders and Transformational Leaders [2], charismatic leadership essays. Burns Transformational Leadership is similar to Charismatic Leadership style proposed by Weber, charismatic leadership essays.
Since a lot of research has been done on various aspects of charismatic leadership. In this essay I would like to focus on charismatic leadership, its attributes and traits in charismatic leaders. He envisaged religious leaders like Jesus as charismatic leaders. Later researches considered various social-political leaders like Mahatma Gandhi as charismatic leaders. Dictators like Hitler also had some charismatic traits.
These were the leaders with exceptional qualities which made them almost god-like for their followers. The charm of such people made their followers go behind these leaders without questioning them. While analyzing such a strong bond between the leaders and his followers Weber focuses on the social patterns and conditions under which the leader exists.
However, the later researches throw light on the psychological attributes of the leaders which make them successful charismatic leaders, charismatic leadership essays. Research shows that charismatic leaders appeal strongly to the values of the followers and it is this psychological bondage between the two which makes the charismatic leadership succeed.
Neither the sociologically oriented Weberian approach nor the psychological approach alone can explain charismatic leaders. The approaches together, however, give the better analysis of charismatic leadership. Charismatic leadership process is seen as a compound product of three factors: The leader and his attributes, the social situation which demands for such a leader and the interaction between the leader and his followers. Charismatic leadership process undergoes six steps from the rise of the leader to the final routinization and charismatic leadership essays the fall of the leader [4].
This step takes place from the composite mixture of the three factors mentioned above. It is a stage where the aspiring leader is on the social horizon; the followers are in distress and are looking forward to someone who will identify himself with their problems. The social situation is increasingly getting worsened in this stage. This is the time when the leader establishes him as a potential leader but the followers, by large, remain passive. In this step the leader arouses the follower to become the part of the change.
Followers who were passive admirers of the leader till the earlier phase become active supporters of the leader and the cause for which he is identifying himself. The longer this stage lasts the longer is a span of the charismatic leadership. Commitment stage in the charismatic leadership is without any doubt the most charismatic leadership essays step in the process.
This step takes the charismatic leadership at the peak and at the same time this is the phase when the charismatic leader starts losing his charisma. This step starts by demonstrating the extreme commitment of the leader towards the goal and same commitment from the followers towards the leader. This demonstration often takes the shape of some kind of sacrifice on the part of the leader or impending danger on the leader.
This sacrifice or danger makes the image of the leader as courageous and dedicated in the eyes of many followers. Interestingly, this charismatic leadership essays act makes some of charismatic leadership essays elite followers disillusioned and they start suspecting their leader as pompous and hypocrite. This is the stage where the leadership can be bifurcated into two categories as a personalized leadership and socialized charismatic leadership essays. The first type of leadership tends to become authoritarian and exploitative.
The second type of leader is more egalitarian and he will share power and responsibility with others. In either way, the personalized leader will become dictator and will lose his charisma and the socialized type of leader will help routinizing the leadership! The example for personalized leader can be of Hitler who ultimately became a dictator.
Gandhi can be seen as a fusion of both types with definitive inclination towards socialized type of leadership. For Gandhi the commitment stage can be said to have lasted from to Salt Satyagraha can be considered as the peak of his charisma and the diplomatic failure at the Round Table Conference can be seen as the first symbol of the next step of the disenchantment [7]. This phase is quite unavoidable and sometimes even intentional on the part of the leader.
Many times social structure brings the disenchantment stage. Sometimes, because the leaders themselves know that they are not immortal, they try to bring the routinization in the leadership. This routinization brings the feel of loss of goal to some followers. This step may lose some of the strongest followers from the leader. This step is also an outcome of the scenario when the leader seems to be failing. As the charismatic leaders are not very good at the formal procedural leadership [4] more routinization brings more failure and more disenchantment of the followers.
However this is the phase where the process of routinization seemed to have taken place distinctly. This step is a logical follower of the earlier step of disenchantment. Disenchantment starts because of routinization and it leads to the depersonalization and formalization of the leadership. The leadership style charismatic leadership essays more and more like bureaucratic leadership.
The leader starts delegating his tasks to his followers. This is the period when he made it clear that Jawaharlal Nehru will be his political heir, charismatic leadership essays. It is the time when he withdrew himself partly from the active politics [9]. This is a process of disintegration of the three factors mentioned in the beginning which had come together in phase one.
In this step, due to the formalization and bureaucratization of the leadership, charismatic leadership becomes increasingly redundant. The followers feel that the organization and the leader are going away from the initial goal and thus they start alienating themselves from the organization and the charisma of the leader fades as the social situation which has made him appeal to the masses has changed. This stage does not necessarily mean the failure of the leader. In many cases, having achieved the goal for which the charismatic leader had risen, the leader becomes redundant for his followers and the goal itself becomes redundant for the leader.
Though Gandhi remained popular and worshiped leader of India till his assassination, his charisma faded gradually in his last years [10], charismatic leadership essays. After having described what is charismatic leadership and how does it work, charismatic leadership essays is interesting to find out what makes one a charismatic leader. What are the attributes that a charismatic leader posses or what are the traits which make someone a potential charismatic leader?
It is clear from the above discussion that the actual rise of such a leader is a composite function of various variables. However, this section will try to describe the personal traits that make a person a potential leader. There are some attributes which are exhibited by a person at his childhood or adolescence which make a person potential charismatic leader.
This statement is quite ambitious and somewhat exaggerated. However, charismatic leadership essays, the converse of the sentence is true. The research shows that charismatic leaders do show some specific pattern of behavior at their adolescence [11]. Parental Attachment Style and Parental Psychological Control [11] It has been observed that a way a child is attached to his parents in his adolescence plays important role shaping him as an effective charismatic leader.
It is seen that young adult securely attached to his parents tends to form a positive relationship with his followers in the later life. Many of the qualities possessed by a charismatic leader such as self-confidence, charismatic leadership essays, self-esteem are also found in a child who has a parental attachment style which is secure, autonomous and displays relatedness.
These attributes are considered as positive attributes in parental attachment style for the development of a charismatic leader. It is also obvious that these qualities in the parental attachment style make the child emerging to an adult more self-aware and help him making sense of his place in the world. Empirical research suggests that charismatic leaders also have same sense of self-awareness and they are charismatic leadership essays introspective in evaluating their own beliefs, charismatic leadership essays.
Thus, it is proposed that there is a positive relationship between parental attachment style and displays of charismatic leadership by emergent adult. It is seen, on the other hand, that parental control impedes the development of an emergent adult. Excessive psychological control by parents on the child makes charismatic leadership essays insecure and less confident.
This proves to be a barrier in his development as a charismatic leader. Parental psychological control also acts as an obstacle in establishing social relations charismatic leadership essays it create a situation of isolation for the emergent adult. Here are some traits which can be identified with the charismatic leader [12]. One of the qualities of the charismatic leaders is that they watch themselves. They are constantly aware of the fact that their followers are watching them and so they find it important that they portray a good picture of themselves for their followers.
Charismatic leaders can manage that only if they monitor themselves to make sure that they are still answering to the same plea which made them such a popular leader. Self motivation is an important part of charismatic leadership. The leader gets motivated by the social scenario without being prompted about it. Charismatic leadership essays can address his followers with the vigor only when he is self-actualized himself. It has been observed that such leaders not charismatic leadership essays motivate themselves but they have a capacity to transform this self-actualization to their followers as well.
They actually raise their followers from one level to the higher level. Charismatic leaders often do not seek charismatic leadership essays power.
John Antonakis on charismatic leadership
, time: 49:23Charismatic Leadership - Words | Essay Example

Charismatic Leaders Essay. Words4 Pages. Introduction. Many great leaders have one thing in common and that is charisma. Charismatic leaders are those that have the capability to inspire and encourage people to do more than they would normally do, despite obstacles and personal sacrifice A charismatic leadership is an enthusiastic and personality influences others to behave in certain ways. There are some charismatic leaders such as John F. Kennedy, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and many more. They have self-confidence, in order to influence other by their rightness of their goal Mar 22, · This essay explains enough information about the charismatic leadership. There are some questions about the charismatic leadership which have still remained unanswered. After describing the attributes of the charismatic leader and the positive and negative outcomes of the charismatic leadership, it remains unknown that what makes a charismatic leader a
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