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Your management consulting resume is crucial. The importance of consulting resumes is almost universally underestimated by applicants. However, the numbers speak for themselves.
Their resumes will go in the bin, along with their chances of an MBB, Big Four, or any similar management consulting job. As the factor responsible for filtering more than half of candidates, the reality is that your resume is the single most important element in setting you ahead of the competition.
Worth your attention then, right? You might well already have an up-to-date general resume from your previous career. Perhaps you were thinking of just sending that off with best resume writing services 2020 qualification few cover letters for your consulting applications.
This would be a big mistake - the demands on a management consulting resume are very specific and mean that you must start afresh with a new best resume writing services 2020 qualification. In this article, then, we will take you through our four-step method for optimizing your management consulting resume. Start to finish, with around ten hours of work, our approach should allow you to send off a consulting resume that will genuinely impress recruiters.
If this seems like a lot of time for a single resume, you might want to weigh these hours against lost earnings best resume writing services 2020 qualification being rejected from a well-remunerated consulting job. Moreover, you will also be able to re-use much of this resume in the future. More importantly, the structure will not change, you will simply add more content as you progress in your career.
Indeed, the ability to re-use management consulting resumes in a more-or-less unaltered form separates them very strongly from a consulting cover letter. Whilst a cover letter should be highly specific to the firm and, ideally, the individual office to which you are applying, consulting resumes are united in presenting the same generic skillset. Thus, the same resume can be used right across the MBB firms, the Big Four, and beyond. If you find yourself applying to more than one firm, your McKinsey resume might be re-used as a BCG resume, a Deloitte consulting resume, or a PwC resume.
This could never be done for a cover letter! A McKinsey New York cover letter might not even be very useful in an application to McKinsey Boston. As such, make sure to read our consulting cover letter guide so as not to fall into making this common mistake! In summary, our four-step method for generating management consulting resumes is as follows:. You might be tempted to skip past this stepas you probably have a vague idea as to the kinds of skills which might be relevant to management consulting.
However, slightly fuzzy ideas from browsing consulting content on Reddit are no substitute for a rigorous understanding of what is required of you. We will see that you need to be as specific as you can and it pays to have firm grasp of the precise skills and qualities recruiters are after so that your resume addresses them all and advertises each as clearly as possible. Rather than jump straight into writing the resume itself, you should first collect and elaborate all the data you are going to draw upon.
This establishes a pool of points that you can draw upon to build the final document itself. This also makes it easier to put together various iterations of your consulting resume later. This is the most straightforward step of the four.
Resume editing is key! Again, it is tempting to skimp on this step, but it is the most important of the four, best resume writing services 2020 qualification. You need to make sure that what you have written is actually recruiter-ready and is the best that it can be. Our detailed checklist is the best way to make initial revisions.
However, getting decent feedback is crucial but might not be straightforwardso can introduce some variation in the time required for this step. You should iterate the editing process of feedback and modification until the resume is ready to submit. With our help, then, you'll hopefully soon have secured an interview and be ready to turn your attention to the next steps of learning how to crack case studies and answer fit questions, best resume writing services 2020 qualification.
To get to that point, let's go through this four-step method in greater detail:. Fundamentally, what determines the perfect management consulting resume is whatever the recruiter wants to see. Most consulting firms list similar sets of key qualities they want to see from candidates. Generally, something like the following set of skills will be required in a consulting resmume:.
You can find information about what McKinseyBain and BCG are looking for on those firms' own websites. LEK has also made the following video about the skills required for consulting, which reiterates what we have said here:.
Now, best resume writing services 2020 qualification, the above skills are notionally what recruiters are looking for. However, a consulting resume might be a record of success bursting with these skills, but still fail to get the candidate an interview.
How could this be? The simple reason is that management consulting resumes are scanned and not read. Even the most diligent recruiters only have so much time, and so most McKinsey resumes are reviewed and rejected within 30 seconds. To avoid your resume joining the others in the wastepaper basket, you need to help the recruiter out and signal your skills as clearly as possible.
All other considerations are secondary, as if your skills are not immediately obvious from a quick glance down your resume, you will simply not get an interview with a firm like McKinsey. So how do we go about doing this? We will spend the rest of this article breaking down the nuts and bolts of how to write a management consulting resume that properly signals your skills. However, at a higher level, a good consulting resume must do all of the following:. Whilst a "normal" resume for another industry is usually a fairly simple chronological record of your past roles and best resume writing services 2020 qualification, rather more is required of a management consulting resume.
Before we even consider how the content of a consulting resume needs to differ from that of a more traditional best resume writing services 2020 qualification for another industry, we must understand the particular form a consulting resume is expected to take.
At the most basic level, you need to stick very precisely to the standard, industry guidelines for writing a management consulting resume. For instance, best resume writing services 2020 qualification, you should keep to one page, use a standard typeface, have four to five sections, and omit any photographs.
Consulting resumes that stray from the accepted formula will be discarded as soon as they are glanced at - simple as! We best resume writing services 2020 qualification give some tips on formatting later in this article. However, rather than exhaustively go through the minutiae, best resume writing services 2020 qualification, we find it easier to simply provide you with a set of free management consulting resume templates at the end of this article developed by our team of ex-MBB consultants so that you can forget about formatting and focus on great content!
These are provided in Word, PowerPoint, and LaTeX formats. Of course, a management consulting resume is not defined simply by some basic matters of formatting. Crucially, a consulting resume must demonstrate the skillset outlined above. This is your primary concern, as recruiters won't bring you to interview unless your resume has already made it clear that you have the capacities and qualities they are looking for. How you go about demonstrating your skillset is crucial.
Recruiters are not particularly interested in specific previous roles that you might have held, best resume writing services 2020 qualification. Unless you were an astronaut or a secret agent, a job title alone isn't going to impress anyone and even if you were a secret agent, you couldn't put it on your resume anyway Having had a job doesn't necessarily mean you actually had any particular skills. Just holding a certain role doesn't mean that you were good at it or that you got anything done - it is not hard to find ineffectual employees in any industry, best resume writing services 2020 qualification.
As such, consulting firms are more interested in the achievements you made in a particular job. What you need to show is that you made a difference in whatever you did. These achievements should act as proof that you have one or more of the key skills above. No, we don't mean to avoid swearing!
Though you should definitely avoid swearing Many candidates lose the recruiters' attention by stuffing their resume with technical jargon from whichever industry or academic field they are coming to consulting from. However, these candidates forget best resume writing services 2020 qualification their recruiter is unlikely to be from the same specific background and will simply not know - or care - what they are talking about, best resume writing services 2020 qualification.
Instead, your language should always be accessible to a generally educated layperson. For example, let's say you were describing an engineering project - you might write:. When you find yourself simplifying some technical point or other detail, you should also always ask yourself whether the information needs to be included at all.
Remember that specific details are only really important insofar as they help signal relevant skills your recruiter is looking for.
In general, if some detail isn't relevant to the management consulting skillset, leave it out to make room for something else that is. Beyond weeding out impenetrable jargon, best resume writing services 2020 qualification, you should also make sure that you write in as plain and "clean" a manner as possible.
Some of the work to this end will inevitably be done during the "quality control", resume editing stage, as you tidy up what you have written. However, you should always be thinking about how best to express what you are trying to convey.
Keep sentences short and to the point and avoid complex or archaic sentence structures. Don't use ten words where four will do and generally avoid writing so that someone has to double-take to understand what you mean. For many readers, this will seem like common sense.
However, we find that some candidates, from quantitative backgrounds in particular, can be a little rusty when it comes to writing in the very precise manner a management consulting resume requires. Enough reading! Let's get down to business and get some writing done! The crucial thing to realize here, though, is that jumping straight into writing the final document itself won't yield great results. Instead, you first need to spend some time setting out all the relevant facts about yourself.
hese facts can then be mapped onto the skills you need to demonstrate to the recruiter. Only after this work is done can you expect to produce the very best version of your resume. Our method starts by gathering relevant information, matching this to skills, and demonstrating those skills via specific achievements.
Your resume is then produced as a synthesis of the most salient of these pieces of information. You might imagine that writing a management consulting resume is a "positive" business of "building up" the document itself.
However, it is better thought of as a process of "winnowing" or narrowing down a pool of items which might be includedso as to select only the most useful. First, then, best resume writing services 2020 qualification, we have to generate our pool of relevant information. To start, you should set out a document listing all the raw facts about yourself.
A résumé expert reveals what a perfect résumé looks like
, time: 2:38Resume Objective Examples and Writing Tips

1. Understanding What Recruiters are Looking For - 30mins. You might be tempted to skip past this step, as you probably have a vague idea as to the kinds of skills which might be relevant to management consulting. However, slightly fuzzy ideas from browsing consulting content on Reddit are no substitute for a rigorous understanding of what is required of you Small Business Owner Resume Job Descriptions and Responsibilities. An employer or prospective business partner would expect to see the following proven foundational duties and skill sets within an applicant’s resume, depending on educational level and career stage Jan 21, · To convince hiring managers that you’re the best candidate for any nursing position, you must communicate your value through your RN (registered nurse) resume. Writing an attention-grabbing, interview-capturing nursing resume is a daunting task,
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