Jan 04, · Ginkgo biloba for mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Curr. Top. Med. Chem., 16 (5) (), pp. - View Record in Scopus Google ScholarCited by: 91 The aim of this review was to assess the effects of Ginkgo biloba in Alzheimer's disease as well as vascular and mixed dementia covering a variety of outcome domains. We searched MEDLINE, EMBASE Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins Ginkgo biloba appears to be beneficial in improving cognitive function, activities of daily living, and global clinical assessment in patients with mild cognitive impairment or Alzheimer's blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins
The efficacy of Ginkgo biloba on cognitive function in Alzheimer disease
Chris Paxos; Ginkgo biloba and vitamin E for Alzheimer's disease. Mental Health Clinician 1 May ; 1 11 : — Alzheimer's disease affects an estimated 35 million people worldwide, with over 5 million affected in the United States.
Few medications are currently approved by the Food and Drug Administration FDA for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease; subsequently, patients and caregivers often look for additional treatment options. This article reviews studies evaluating the use of Ginkgo alzheimers biloba disease ginkgo literature review and vitamin E for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.
Mary presents to your community pharmacy to fill prescriptions for her year-old mother. She has been filling prescriptions for her mother at your pharmacy for several years. Three years ago, her mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease AD and was prescribed donepezil Aricept® 5mg once daily.
After six weeks of therapy, the dose was titrated to 10mg once daily. At her mother's most recent medical appointment, the primary care physician mentioned the possibility of initiating a second medication, memantine Namenda®for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Unfortunately, Mary forgot to ask at the appointment. She presents today requesting a refill on her mother's donepezil prescription as well as information on Ginkgo biloba and vitamin E.
An estimated 35 million people worldwide have Alzheimer's disease, with over 5 million people affected in the United States alone.
The prevalence of Alzheimer's disease is expected to exceed 80 million worldwide and 10 million in the United States by the middle of the century. Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of dementia. These include memantine, donepezil, galantamine Razadyne®rivastigmine Exelon®and tacrine Cognex®. Examples of CAM therapies for the treatment of AD include antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, huperzine A, and Ginkgo biloba. Ginkgo biloba is the seventh most commonly used natural product among Americans.
Observational studies have demonstrated variable results. Ginkgo biloba appeared safe and improved cognitive performance on the Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale-Cognitive subscale ADAS-Cog. The authors concluded that Ginkgo biloba and donepezil were similar with regard to the outcomes measured; however, they acknowledged a small sample size along with other limitations hindered the generalizability of their results.
Upon completion of the trial, Ginkgo biloba was not shown to have a significant effect on the ADAS-Cog and provided no benefit in mild-to-moderate dementia over the course of six months.
In each study, Ginkgo biloba did not prevent or delay cognitive decline or dementia. In addition to negative results, each study uncovered potentially serious adverse effects. Vitamin E is a lipid-soluble vitamin that interacts with cell membranes, acts as a free radical scavenger, and interferes with the chain reaction that damages cells.
Results are mixed with regard to its use in dementia. Unadjusted comparisons were not found to be statistically significant; however, when baseline scores on the Mini-Mental State Examination were included as a covariate, both selegiline and vitamin E were found to significantly decrease the progression of dementia.
The primary outcome at the end of three years was clinically possible or probable AD. No benefit was observed with vitamin E in preventing the development of dementia. In participants where vitamin E was found to lower measured markers of oxidative stress, cognitive test scores were maintained.
In participants where vitamin E was not shown to alter oxidative stress, cognitive test scores worsened in several patients. However, many of the trials analyzed included patients with, or at high risk for, cardiovascular disease, alzheimers biloba disease ginkgo literature review. A number of CAM therapies have been utilized for the treatment of AD, including Ginkgo biloba and vitamin E. Neither Ginkgo biloba nor vitamin E has alzheimers biloba disease ginkgo literature review consistent results with regard to prevention or treatment of AD.
Troubling signals of serious adverse effects require additional research, as well. Until further research is available, Ginkgo biloba and vitamin E cannot be recommended for the prevention or treatment of AD. Recipient s will receive an email with a link to 'Ginkgo biloba and vitamin E for Alzheimer's disease' and will not need an account alzheimers biloba disease ginkgo literature review access the content.
Subject: Ginkgo biloba and vitamin E for Alzheimer's disease. Sign In or Create an Account. nav search search input Search input auto suggest. User Tools. Sign In. Toggle Menu Menu About Issues Editorial Info Editorial Board Permissions Editorial Board Policies Contributors Awards and Recognition Author Guidelines Poster Presenters Help Submit a Manuscript Peer Reviewers Peer Reviewer Guidelines Contact Feedback and Support Advertising CPNP About Psychiatric Pharamcists About CPNP CPNP Annual Meeting Online ACPE Courses Join CPNP.
Skip Nav Destination Article Navigation. Close mobile search navigation Article navigation. Volume 1, Issue Previous Article Next Article. Article Navigation. Research Article May 01 Ginkgo biloba and vitamin E for Alzheimer's disease Chris Paxos, PharmD, BCPP, CGP Chris Paxos, PharmD, BCPP, CGP. This Site. Google Scholar. Mental Health Clinician 1 11 : — Get Permissions. Cite Icon Cite. toolbar search Search. Ginkgo bilobavitamin EAlzheimer's disease.
DOI: PubMed PMID: Search ADS. National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine [National Center for Complementary and Alzheimers biloba disease ginkgo literature review Medicine, NIH website]. Le Bars. A placebo-controlled, double-blind, randomized trial of an extract of Ginkgo biloba for dementia. North American EGb Study Group. Ginkgo biloba extract EGb Rdonepezil or both combined in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease with neuropsychiatric features: a randomised, double-blind, exploratory trial.
Ginkgo biloba for mild to moderate dementia in a community setting: a pragmatic, randomised, parallel-group, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.
van Dongen. The efficacy of ginkgo for elderly people with dementia and age-associated memory impairment: new results of a randomized clinical trial. A randomized placebo-controlled trial of Ginkgo biloba for the prevention of cognitive decline. A controlled trial of selegiline, alpha-tocopherol, or both as treatment for Alzheimer's disease. Vitamin E paradox in Alzheimer's disease: it does not prevent loss of cognition and may even be detrimental.
Meta-analysis: high-dosage vitamin E supplementation may increase all-cause mortality. Send Email Recipient s will receive an email with a link to 'Ginkgo biloba and vitamin E for Alzheimer's disease' and will not need an account to access the content. Optional Message: Optional message may have a maximum of characters.
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Jul 09, · A systematic review identified one study of 20 patients with macular degeneration conducted in France, randomly allocated to Gingko Biloba extract EGb 80 mg twice daily or placebo and another study of 99 patients performed in Germany randomly assigned to two different doses of Ginkgo biloba extract EGb ( mg per day and 60 mg per day). Ginkgo biloba appears to be beneficial in improving cognitive function, activities of daily living, and global clinical assessment in patients with mild cognitive impairment or Alzheimer's blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins May 01, · Le Bars and colleagues conducted a week, randomized, double-blind trial comparing Ginkgo biloba ( mg/day) versus placebo in patients with AD or multi-infarct dementia. Ginkgo biloba appeared safe and improved cognitive performance on the Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale-Cognitive subscale (ADAS-Cog). 4 Similarly, Yancheva and colleagues conducted a week, randomized, double-blind trial comparing the effects of Ginkgo biloba Cited by: 1
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