Affirmative action is an active effort to improve employment and educational opportunities for members of a minority groups and for women. The affirmative action is used to ensure the respect of diversity within the public. It was implemented to provide equality in a workplace environment and education settings. In this essay, I will provide a [ ] Champaign. His research focuses on affirmative action A cross-national analysis of affirmative action: An and diversity in organizations. He is particularly inter- evolutionary psychological perspective. Managerial ested in closing the gap between diversity researchers and Advocates believe that discrimination still exists and that affirmative action gives minorities a chance to work, which affects every aspect of their lives. The debate will continue until minorities are represented in every job class and type. Also check the list of most popular argumentative research paper topics
Research Paper on Affirmative Action | Ultius
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Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. The Stigma of Affirmative Action: A Stereotyping-Based Theory and Meta-Analytic Test of the Consequences for Performance Academy of Management Journal, David Kravitz. Download PDF Download Full PDF Package This paper. A short summary of this paper. Download PDF. Download Full PDF Package, action affirmative paper research.
Translate PDF. 娀 Academy of Management JournalVol. LESLIE New York University DAVID M. MAYER University of Michigan DAVID A. KRAVITZ George Mason University Affirmative action plans AAPs are designed to facilitate workplace success for members of the groups they target e. Prior work has focused on the stigma of incompetence as the primary mechanism that links AAPs to performance; however, the broader social psychological literature suggests that additional mechanisms may also play a role.
Meta-analytic path analyses support our hypotheses. AAPs increase the num- discrimination and other barriers to advancement ber of women and ethnic minorities in managerial e. In addition, AAPs can Grant-in-Aid from the Society for the Psychological cause the very employees they are intended to ben- Study of Social Issues. We are grateful to Yeonka Kim for Native American, White and ethnicity Hispanic, non- her research assistance. We also thank Ray Sparrowe and Hispanic cf.
ney, Users may print, download, or email articles for individual use only. Existing theory suggest that threats to a positive self-image trigger used to explain the stigma of incompetence has negative emotions, such as stress and anxiety e. Thus, AAP targets are likely to ex- moted due to their demographics, not their qualifi- perience negative state affect, in addition to low cations.
Scholars have theorized that others there- self-competence, both of which may affect their fore discount the possibility that AAP targets are performance negatively. competent e. Perceived incompe- ceived warmth and self-driven e. of the stigma of AAPs and the associated conse- Understanding the mechanisms that drive the quences for performance.
chological literature action affirmative paper research that additional mech- In using the stereotyping literature to advance anisms contribute to the effects of AAPs on perfor- theory regarding the unintended negative effects of mance.
For example, AAPs increase the ability of AAPs, action affirmative paper research, we rely on two specific theories: the stereo- target groups to compete for jobs and other work- type content model SCM and stereotype threat place resources, action affirmative paper research.
Several theories of stereotyping theory STT. It is therefore not surprising that stigmatization of AAP targets by others may be scholars have developed distinct theories that de- more complex than prior theory suggests, such that tail how others react to negatively stereotyped in- others perceive AAP targets as lacking both compe- dividuals versus how individuals react to negative tence and warmth, action affirmative paper research, each of which may contribute to stereotypes action affirmative paper research the self.
Consistent with key mechanisms identi- tion, but AAPs go further by allowing positive ac- fied in STT, we theorize that AAP targets experi- tions aimed at helping target groups Kovach et al. Moreover, EEO policies are identity-blind perceived stereotyping by others, each of which policies that focus on equal treatment regardless of negatively affects their self-evaluated and objective group membership, whereas AAPs are identity- performance.
Prior work has focused primarily on nehan, the effects of AAPs on competence and perfor- The positive actions provided by AAPs take dif- mance.
Researchers, however, have also explored ferent forms that vary in strength Harrison et al. For example, opportu- warmth, action affirmative paper research, state affect, and perceived stereotyping nity enhancement OE AAPs—the weakest AAP e. We are therefore able to test our do not give demographics any weight in employ- theory with meta-analysis. Although our analyses ment decisions e.
Weak are based on existing studies, we depart from prior preferential treatment WPT AAPs give targets work by testing a model in which competence, preference in employment decisions if and only if warmth, affect, and perceived stereotyping each their qualifications are equivalent to those of non- contribute to the effect of AAPs on performance. Finally, strong preferential treatment STP Our stereotyping-based theory and meta-analytic AAPs give demographics a positive weight in em- test advance knowledge by demonstrating that ste- ployment decisions, action affirmative paper research, action affirmative paper research addition to qualifications.
reotyping theories provide a more comprehensive For example, an AAP target may be hired over action affirmative paper research account of the unintended negative effects of AAPs.
more qualified non-target, assuming the target Consistent with prior theory, we propose that AAPs meets the minimum qualifications for the job.
At the same time, we build new theory by underrepresented groups to enable them to achieve proposing that additional mechanisms contribute more favorable outcomes. A fuller understanding of the primarily in discounting and self-doubt.
Specifi- pathways through which AAPs impede perfor- cally, qualifications are the typical causal factor in mance is essential for preventing AAPs from hav- employment decisions, which leads to perceptions ing the opposite of their intended impact. Thus, that job incumbents are competent. AAPs raise the from a practical standpoint, our research suggests possibility that demographics also influence em- novel strategies for ensuring that AAPs do not have ployment decisions. In the case of stigmatization by the ironic effect of limiting the workplace outcomes others, scholars have drawn from the discounting of their intended beneficiaries.
help in the employment process cf. AAPs originated with Execu- have not drawn explicitly from discounting, action affirmative paper research, but tive Orderimplemented by President John- have similarly theorized that AAPs and the associ- son in Consistent with theory, evidence indicates Cuddy et al. We therefore that AAPs negatively affect the perceived compe- draw from the SCM and build theory regarding why tence and performance outcomes of Action affirmative paper research targets others are likely to perceive AAP targets as lacking action affirmative paper research. why AAP targets are stigmatized as incompetent.
mance outcomes. We therefore use theories of stereo- More specifically, the status— competence linkage typing to build a more comprehensive model of the is explained by just-world beliefs; namely, the ba- mechanisms that link AAPs to performance, action affirmative paper research.
Notably, sic human motivation to believe that individuals distinct stereotyping theories have emerged that de- get what they deserve Cuddy et al. Individ- tail how others react to negatively stereotyped in- uals assume that members of low status groups dividuals versus how individuals react to negative deserve their low status because they lack compe- stereotypes about the self.
Thus, we use different tence, whereas members of high status groups have theories to advance understanding of the other- earned their status through competence and hard driven SCM and self-driven STT processes that work. tivation to enhance self-interest Cuddy et al. Moreover, individuals assume that oth- The SCM Fiske et al. Individuals are therefore pete for resources. Drawing from the SCM, we motivated to evaluate others in terms of their com- therefore propose that others stigmatize AAP tar- petence i.
Consistent action affirmative paper research group members to improve their employment out- theory, action affirmative paper research, research indicates that competence and comes. Due to preferences for consis- group as less competent when the group is targeted tency, evaluators are subject to a halo effect, action affirmative paper research.
Spe- by an AAP than when it is not. AAPs are similarly cifically, if a target is positively stereotyped on a likely to affect perceived warmth. As a result, when others evaluate the perfor- is not e. typed in the broader society. Notably, the predicted effect of AAPs tent if portrayed as professionals e. Thus, AAPs are likely to affect the perceived work grounded in discounting, which has focused competence and warmth of any group they target. on the stigma of incompetence.
Research on the consequences of sive account of the stigmatizing effects of AAPs. competence and warmth stereotypes has focused largely action affirmative paper research emotions e.
The presence of an AAP has an e. workplace evaluations Cuddy et al. Specif- Hypothesis 2. tent ways; for example, by seeking out and attend- ing to stereotype-confirming, but not stereotype- disconfirming, information e.
For example, we draw from whereas the reverse is true if others perceive a the SCM and propose that, because AAPs increase target as incompetent. ceive AAP targets as low in warmth. In particular, STT self, whereas other-as-source stereotype threat is Steele et al. Self-as-source typed, as well as the consequences for their per- stereotype threat therefore suggests a direct effect formance.
We therefore draw from STT to build of negative stereotypes on self-competence and theory regarding the self-driven process that link state affect, whereas other-as-source stereotype AAPs to performance. threat suggests an indirect effect through per- Stereotype threat— defined as the risk of con- ceived stereotyping by others.
Ac- nisms through which AAPs negatively affect tar- cording to STT, negative cognitions e. competence and negative state affect e. are two key mechanisms that play a role types breed negative cognitions, including self- in explaining why negative stereotypes limit per- doubt e, action affirmative paper research.
If a group stereotype The negative cognitions i. Negative uated and objective performance, action affirmative paper research. STT holds that stereotypes also increase negative affect; stereo- individuals engage in self-regulatory processes, types are a source of anxiety because they are in- such that they seek to suppress unwanted negative compatible with a self-interested desire to view the cognitions and negative affect in an attempt to pre- self favorably and lead to a fear of performing vent them from impeding performance Schmader poorly and confirming that a stereotype is true of et action affirmative paper research. Yet attempts at suppression require the self Schmader et al.
For example, con- and ability to concentrate e.
Affirmative Action: Crash Course Government and Politics #32
, time: 7:14Affirmative Action - Argumentative Research Paper Topics - EssayEmpire
Affirmative Action are largely qualified to successfully perform the tasks required of them as employees, students, and contractors, even if their credentials on paper are somewhat weaker than those of white men whom they replace Advocates believe that discrimination still exists and that affirmative action gives minorities a chance to work, which affects every aspect of their lives. The debate will continue until minorities are represented in every job class and type. Also check the list of most popular argumentative research paper topics Affirmative action is an active effort to improve employment and educational opportunities for members of a minority groups and for women. The affirmative action is used to ensure the respect of diversity within the public. It was implemented to provide equality in a workplace environment and education settings. In this essay, I will provide a [ ]
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